Monday, January 14, 2008

What's wrong with fructose?

High fructose corn syrup is in everything and has been linked to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). The average yearly consumption is more than 60 pounds per person per year!!! There is a childhood epidemic of obesity and diabetes and much of it could be blamed on the fructose. Once thought to be beneficial as an alternative to sugar, those beliefs have been shattered as long-term studies show how it damages our bodies. Products of fructose breakdown and cross-link proteins that bind to proteins directly called (Advanced Glycosylated End) proteins that are associated with rapid aging of tissues including eye, kidney and blood vessels. In addition fructose can damage the liver. Small amounts of natural fructose found in fruit won't hurt you but when you consider most soft drinks, jams, deserts, candy, crackers, bread all has high fructose corn syrup you can see how easily it is to overindulge. Stevia, xylitol, maple syrup or small amounts of just plain natural sugar is lots better. We have talked about this in most of our books, especially The Secrets of Staying Young, The ADD and ADHD Diet and others.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New book review

We got a new review in Arizona Networking News for our new book
Worse Than Global Warming - Wave Technology. The imminent threat to civilization as told by the propecies.
It was a good one!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Migraines and Magnesium

From time to time as I come across research on various health subjects I feel noteworthy I will post them. Our research is continuing as we write new books. Visit to see any new titles.

Low magnesium has been identified as a contributor to migraine headaches. In non-moenpausal women, estrogen rises just before her period causing a shift in blood magnesium into the bone and muscles while lowering brain levels. These low brain levels promote neurotransmitter hyperactivity and nerve excitation that can lead to headaches. Magnesium deficiency also relaxes blood vessels and allows them to dilate reducing the spasms and contstrictions that can cause migraines. Low levels also inhibit excess platelet aggregation, preventing the formation of tiny clots tat can block blood vessels and caue pain. It also relaxes muscles and prevents the buildup of lactic acid which along with muscle tension, can worsen head pain. When migraine sufferers with low magnesium ion levels received IV magnesium, they experienced complet alleviation of their symptoms. Doctors recommend 6 mg /day of supplemental oral magnesium per day. Some take as much as 300 mg twice a day resulting in the frequency of migraines being reduced by 41.6 percent.

regarding 2012 and global warming

I believe that what we are seeing as per the global warming issue is a natural occurence, meaning that if we were to shut off all pollutants that go into the atmosphere every day we would still witness the natural occurences and changes that are happening today..true what we put into the atmosphere doesn't help and we should make a global effort to eliminate as much as possible. Nature regenerates itself on a continual basis such as a fire destroys most everthing in its path and within a short time later plants begin to sprout again. Could we have another ice age? Anything is possible. I try to look on the bright side and enjoy every day that I wake up, put my feet on the floor and watch a beautiful sunrise...
A. DeGutis

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New theory about 2012

In the books 2012 Airborne Prophesy and Worse Than Global Warming: Wave Technology I pose the question that if the 2012 prophecies have validity were they forecasting the astronomical changes that seem inevitable and were they warning us that we could tip the scales towards an apocalypse. In both books I talk about the fact that planet Earth is being tickled from the mass of frequencies we are putting into the air: cell phones, cell towers, HAARP ionospheric heaters, satellite transmissions, power lines, sonar, radar, etc. This saturation is definitely having an effect on the planet's pulse. Add to that the fact that our planet will be in the dark rift (lots of asteroids) and in a section of the Milky Way that will exert extreme gravitational pulls in 2012. Already at risk, man's frequency manipulation plus the potential use of electromagnetic weapons could be the straw that causes a polar shift. Research I described in Worse Than Global Warming: Wave Technology, shows their is a high probability that Ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and the Rama had electronic WMDs and used them when Earth was in a similar perilous place in the Milky Way - and the sinking of Atlantis could have been a result of their interference. What do you think?