Monday, November 24, 2008

Crissy on YouTube

Crissy the CowPot Mini Kit was reviewed by They only put on products they know kids like and feel are safe. We are honored to have been chosen. Please view the video of their starlett using the kit.

How Inflammation Causes Cancer

How inflammation causes cancer

Excerpted from Dr. Vijay Nair's book: Prevent Cancer, Strokes, Heart Attacks and other Deadly Killers!

No one wants to get cancer. There’s something indescribably awful about knowing your cells are multiplying out of control and feeling helpless to do anything about it. And the conventional treatments for cancer are downright toxic. They don’t distinguish between cancer cells and healthy cells — they just kill them all. Many times, the side effects of these toxic medications are so severe they actually kill the patient, or at least cause them extreme suffering.
One of my life’s goals has been to help cancer patients fight their best fight against the disease. And just as important, I want to help people who are cancer-free now stay cancer-free in the future. That way you’ll never have to go through the debilitating effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Whether you are fighting cancer now, or want to prevent it, here’s what you need to know. Colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer have all been linked to inflammation. This is great news, because it means that cancer doesn’t just strike out of nowhere. It’s preventable!
So how does cancer start? The first stage in cancer development is when a normal cell mutates into a precancerous cell. Any number of things can cause a cell to mutate, including chronic inflammation, toxic chemicals, viruses, UV radiation, or aging.
But just because you have a mutated cell doesn’t mean you’ll get cancer. If the body is working according to plan, it will seek out and destroy the mutated cell. Or, the mutated cell may sit dormant until some trigger (often the same inflammatory trigger that caused the mutation in the first place) causes it to change from a harmless deformed cell into a harmful malignant one. It’s at this stage that the abnormal cell starts multiplying and forming a tumor. In the final stage of cancer development, the tumor gets larger and larger.
All types of inflammation can cause cancer. Lung cancer can be caused by chronic smoke-induced inflammation. Esophageal cancer can be caused by acid reflux-induced inflammation. Stomach cancer can be caused by H. pylori (the bacterium that causes ulcers)-induced inflammation. Bladder cancer can be caused by urinary tract infection-induced inflammation. Liver cancer can be caused by hepatitis B or C-induced inflammation. Lymphoma can be caused by Epstein Barr (the virus that causes mononucleosis) -induced inflammation. Cervical cancer can be caused by Human papillomavirus (the virus that causes genital warts)-induced inflammation. Kidney cancer can be caused by kidney stone-induced inflammation. And colon cancer can be caused by irritable bowel syndrome-induced inflammation. Whether the inflammation is caused by an infection (such as hepatitis), a mechanical irritant (such as kidney stones), or a chemical irritant (such as stomach acid), the result is the same. Chronic, low-grade inflammation greatly increases your risk of developing cancer.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Alternative to Wall Street Bailout

Long-term Alternative to the Wall Street Bailout

The looming financial crisis is creating fear and instability in economic markets, but also is causing us to look at the fragile model we have based our livelihoods on. Is the bailout sound advice or just a ploy to line the pockets of those who got us in this mess? Is there a better alternative?

To understand our disastrous financial situation better, it is necessary to review the history of economic systems. Barter was the first system, where goods or work were exchanged. This pretty well established market value. Currency came in to act as a common denominator. It made trading much easier. At some point it became easier to keep the gold or silver in a safe place, so banks were born. They would issue certificates stating that they had the gold or silver or other items of value. Later, they watered the value down by issuing more certificates than the value they had to back them up. As things became more complicated the paper issued became the measure of value. With the advent of the computer the rules changed again, and the source of value is now based on debt. The current debt has grown so large that it threatens the stability of the entire system. For adversaries of America, this is a great boon! They don't have to do anything but sit and watch us implode. The system can only function when there is motion. Fear has slowed that down. We no longer make money. Where originally value was based on productivity, this is no longer the case. The incentive is to take money from whoever has some. Increasing taxes will only make matters worse further slowing the economy.

A new financial model is based on the fact that there is nothing in nature that we can use without work being performed. The ultimate basis of value is work. This opens avenues that have existed for a long time, but not well mined (example: the Ithaca Hour program). Part of the problem has been the absence of adequate tools. Our current technology is capable of providing the service needed to use the concept of work value where that value can be converted directly into a liquid asset in a bank account of choice belonging to the individual performing the service. Here the individual is in control. However we need a support system and overseer. That should be the Federal Government and in a new economic system that is under development (the Vertical System), this would be self-funded.

As described in the book, The Vertical System, author Albert Benoist says, “This financial model is built on the premise that work performed has value, and that value is owned by the person or entity performing the service.” The identification of the work/value is not new. Schedules of this information have been compiled by many sources such as unions, professional groups, government agencies and even individuals. There is no need to invent this as we already have it. If we continue to issue more money to bail those institutions that have been failing we will increase our debt, as we will not be making more money (equity). This will produce more pieces to be divided into the GNP resulting in the shrinking value of each piece. This would be followed by a shrinking job market further exacerbating this miserable condition. Depending on how desperate people get, we may be confronted by ugly solutions such as happened in post WWI Germany. The financial solution outlined by Benoist has merit and could easily restore America to a debt-free status over time without taxing the population to extremes. Traditional solutions have resulted in an unstable market, cash poor United States and a population riddled with fear. It’s time the Presidential candidates investigate a new approach.

to order The Vertical System go to

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Author Howard Peiper's article

New article in Arizona Networking by our author, Dr. Howard Peiper. Please click on it to enlarge and read.

Vitamin D the Miracle Vitamin

We saw this in our newspaper and thought it would be interesting to readers. Click on it to enlarge.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Vitamin D deficiency link to breast cancer

According to a study conducted by the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego and the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine there may be a correlation between breast cancer and vitamin D Deficiency. The study states that people living in regions of the planet closer to the poles are exposed to less sunlight on average, specifically ultraviolet B rays, and therefore, less vitamin D. Cedric F. Garland, professor of Family and Preventaive Medicine in the UCSD School of Medicine said, "This is the first study to show that higher serum levels of vitamin D are associated with reduced incidence rates of breast cancer worldwide.... incidence was highest at the highest latitudes in both hemispheres." The Breast Journal suggested that improving vitamin D levels could reduce cancer incidence and mortality at low cost by taking supplements. Further research on supplemention and diet for this condition were recommended.
*go to for an inexpensive vitamin D in fish oil and a great anti-cancer pill: Jiva fermented soy with ciucumin.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

This came to us from our supplier of cell phone protectors (Wave Shield) We thought it important enough to reprint on our blog. For info on the protector:

Is Ted Kennedy’s Cancer Linked to Cell Phone Use?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008 10:00
AMBy: Sylvia Booth Hubbard

Senator Ted Kennedy’s diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor is, once again, stirring debate over the safety of cell phones. Kennedy’s brain tumor, called a glioma, is the type critics have associated for years with the use of cell phones.Prominent neurosurgeons have stated they do not use cell phones held next to their ears. “I use it on the speaker-phone mode,” said Dr. Vini Khurana, a prominent researcher and an associate professor of neurosurgery at the Australian National University. “I do not hold it to my ear.” Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent and a neurosurgeon at Emory University Hospital admitted that, he too, used an earpiece.

CTIA – the Wireless Association and the FDA both say that studies show cell phones are not a health risk. Other experts disagree. They point to research that indicates a link between cell phones and three types of tumors: glioma (the type Senator Kennedy has); cancer of a salivary gland near the ear called the parotid; and acoustic neuroma, which is a tumor found near the ear. An Israeli study published last year found a 58 percent increase in risk for parotid tumors among people who relied heavily on their cell phones. And a Swedish study found the risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma doubled after ten years of heavy use.Since cell phones are relatively new, there hasn’t been a chance for long-term studies that will settle the question of whether there is truly a link between cell phone use and brain tumors. Some critics express particular concern for children who begin using cell phones as kids and continue throughout their lives.

“More and more kids are using cell phones,” said Dr. Paul Rosch, clinical professor of medicine and psychiatry at New York Medical College. “They may be much more affected. Their brains are growing rapidly and their skulls are thinner.”Dr. Khurana admits that cell phones are convenient and can save lives in an emergency, but he says that “there is a significant and increasing body of evidence for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumors,” adding that malignant brain tumors are “a life-ending diagnosis.“It is anticipated that this danger has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking,” he said.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Poisonous sugar hidden in candy.

American Crystal Sugar, Hershey's, and M&M/Mars are now going to use sugar from genetically engineered sugar beets in their products. This sugar is sprayed heavily with Monsanto's Roundup which is not good for the body. It is a toxic pesticide and fungicide and they have developed this sugar beet to withstand very heavy dosages and not kill the plant. When you eat this sugar how do you think your body will react to ingesting all that pesticide. Not to mentione they are genetically engineered which means that the seed will not reproduce itself and if blown into an organic farm will make the farm lose its designation as organic. Just a way for the seed companies to make sure you will buy from them year after year - and if we ever have to grow a garden to feed ourselves in some doomsday future, we will not be able to generate our own seed for years to come.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Notes on osteoporosis.

Notes on osteoporosis from Southwest Nutrition in the UK:
Good: Water & Minerals: With any treatment for osteoporosis, an absolute minimum of 2 litres of pure water should be drunk a day, and this should be preferably low in sodium Any nutritional changes will have little to no effect if the electrolyte balance of the body is not corrected prior to any treatment commencing, as it needs to be ensured that minerals are being deposited in the correct place.
Bad: Poor cellular absorption: An unhealthy cell is not permeable. This means that the nutrients are less able to get into the cell and toxic waste tends to build up inside. In this case the polarity of the cell becomes distorted with sodium and calcium going inside the cell and magnesium and potassium being lost. The foods that lead to the contraction and the blocking of the cell are high in sodium and calcium and refined sugars. All processed and refined carbohydrates will be high in sugar, so these need to be avoided and whole unprocessed foods substituted.
Bad: Dairy products: Dairy foods are blocking to the cell, milk, yogurt and cheese. Countries which tend to eat the most dairy products appear to have the highest levels of osteoporosis and breast cancer, which demonstrates that osteoporosis is not a simple case of calcium deficiency.
Good: Magnesium needed with Calcium: Bone is made up primarily of calcium and phosphorus, with smaller amounts of magnesium, boron and strontium. Too much or too little phosphorus contributes to osteoporosis. When calcium is not being metabolized properly it is dumped inside the cell. This in turn blocks the energy mechanism in the cell itself. Magnesium balanced with natural calcium from food is one of the minerals needed to put calcium into the bone and the blood where it is needed. Good sources of magnesium are nuts, legumes, wholegrains and dark green vegetables
Good: Potassium needed: To ensure the cell's sodium / potassium cycle works correctly and maintains a healthy electrolyte balance, potassium rich foods are needed, as they are opening to the cell and will help keep the sodium outside. Good sources of potassium are potatoes, avocados, most fish and bananas.
Bad: Sodium: High Sodium retention as a result of diet or kidney problems has the potential to reduce bone density by negatively affecting an individual's calcium / magnesium ratio,
Good: EFAs: Essential fatty acids also play a role in the prevention of osteoporosis. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids help increase levels of calcium in the body, deposit calcium in the bones, and improve bone strength. A deficiency in certain essential fatty acids is likely to cause bone loss.
Bad: Too much Protein: A high protein diet leads to mineral loss through the urine, and this is a factor in the development of osteoporosis.
Bad: Poor colon absorption:If intestinal health is poor, the absorption of available minerals will be very low. If a diet high in mucus producing foods such as wheat, animal products and dairy has been followed, then it is most likely that correct absorption will be severely compromised due to the layer of morbid material lining the membranes of the intestine.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Common food additives that can make you fat and promote diabetes.

A team of scientists in the Faculty of Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid has discovered that when given to rats, E-621 (MSG) produces a massive 40 percent increase in appetite. The scientists think the additive affects the arcuate nucleus area of the brain and so prevents proper functioning of the body's appetite control mechanisms. According to this hypothesis, people (and children) who consume foods with large quantities of E-621(MSG) just feel more and more hungry the more they eat. The scientists think the additive affects the arcuate nucleus area of the brain and so prevents proper functioning of the body's appetite control mechanisms. According to this hypothesis, people (and children) who consume foods with large quantities of MSG just feel more and more hungry the more they eat. Is it any wonder that food companies would put this ingredient in their food.... you'd buy more food and assure their profit margins stay high. In hundreds of studies produced worldwide over the last thirty years, Monosodium Glutamate has been injected under the skin of day old mice and rats to produce obese rats and mice with a predisposition for diabetes. Just as the occurrence of obesity and diabetes has risen to record levels, so too has the public's ingestion of MSG. MSG, also found in ingredients such as Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein and Autolyzed Yeast Extract, is being added to a huge selection of restaurant food and processed food found in supermarkets. When ingested by human test subjects MSG directly affects the Pancreas stimulating it to triple its standard output of insulin output. This unnatural amount of insulin finds the sugar in the blood and converts it to fat. A few hours after you eat MSG the excess insulin the MSG triggers reduces your blood sugar level so much that you become tired and even hungry again. In animal test subjects this excess insulin leads to hyperinsulinemia: the chronic overproduction of insulin. The pancreas becomes so out of control that the body starts producing killer T cells to shut it down. Is it any wonder why diabetes, obesity and lethargy in our youths are at an all time high? Junk foods, processed foods, even cafeteria foods are now laced with large amounts of exitotoxic glutamates. John Erb, author of the book The Slow Poisoning of America reports. So don't be fooled...when you search for MSG-free foods you still may be getting it if you have Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein or Autolyzed yeast extract in your dinner.... check labels and see how many foods you have in your cupboard that have these hidden MSG ingredients.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Is the sun sleeping - will we get a planetary chill?

We found this article which supports our theory set forth in Worse Than Global Warming - that it is cosmic forces that are a big threat to our planet. We also see that this reduced magnetism may have an effect on our planet's pulse which is being compromised by our wave technology which is already affecting the severity of our weather. What will these frequencies do if the sun's magnetism hybernates..... read on..

Excerptd from :The Sun Also Sets
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted Thursday, February 07, 2008 4:20 PM PT
Climate Change: They're worried about global cooling, not warming.
Kenneth Tapping, a solar researcher and project director for Canada's National Research Council, is among those looking at the sun for evidence of an increase in sunspot activity.
Solar activity fluctuates in an 11-year cycle. But so far in this cycle, the sun has been disturbingly quiet. The lack of increased activity could signal the beginning of what is known as a Maunder Minimum, an event which occurs every couple of centuries and can last as long as a century.
Such an event occurred in the 17th century. The observation of sunspots showed extraordinarily low levels of magnetism on the sun, with little or no 11-year cycle.
This solar hibernation corresponded with a period of bitter cold that began around 1650 and lasted, with intermittent spikes of warming, until 1715. Frigid winters and cold summers during that period led to massive crop failures, famine and death in Northern Europe.
Tapping reports no change in the sun's magnetic field so far this cycle and warns that if the sun remains quiet for another year or two, it may indicate a repeat of that period of drastic cooling of the Earth, bringing massive snowfall and severe weather to the Northern Hemisphere.

Monday, January 14, 2008

What's wrong with fructose?

High fructose corn syrup is in everything and has been linked to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). The average yearly consumption is more than 60 pounds per person per year!!! There is a childhood epidemic of obesity and diabetes and much of it could be blamed on the fructose. Once thought to be beneficial as an alternative to sugar, those beliefs have been shattered as long-term studies show how it damages our bodies. Products of fructose breakdown and cross-link proteins that bind to proteins directly called (Advanced Glycosylated End) proteins that are associated with rapid aging of tissues including eye, kidney and blood vessels. In addition fructose can damage the liver. Small amounts of natural fructose found in fruit won't hurt you but when you consider most soft drinks, jams, deserts, candy, crackers, bread all has high fructose corn syrup you can see how easily it is to overindulge. Stevia, xylitol, maple syrup or small amounts of just plain natural sugar is lots better. We have talked about this in most of our books, especially The Secrets of Staying Young, The ADD and ADHD Diet and others.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New book review

We got a new review in Arizona Networking News for our new book
Worse Than Global Warming - Wave Technology. The imminent threat to civilization as told by the propecies.
It was a good one!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Migraines and Magnesium

From time to time as I come across research on various health subjects I feel noteworthy I will post them. Our research is continuing as we write new books. Visit to see any new titles.

Low magnesium has been identified as a contributor to migraine headaches. In non-moenpausal women, estrogen rises just before her period causing a shift in blood magnesium into the bone and muscles while lowering brain levels. These low brain levels promote neurotransmitter hyperactivity and nerve excitation that can lead to headaches. Magnesium deficiency also relaxes blood vessels and allows them to dilate reducing the spasms and contstrictions that can cause migraines. Low levels also inhibit excess platelet aggregation, preventing the formation of tiny clots tat can block blood vessels and caue pain. It also relaxes muscles and prevents the buildup of lactic acid which along with muscle tension, can worsen head pain. When migraine sufferers with low magnesium ion levels received IV magnesium, they experienced complet alleviation of their symptoms. Doctors recommend 6 mg /day of supplemental oral magnesium per day. Some take as much as 300 mg twice a day resulting in the frequency of migraines being reduced by 41.6 percent.

regarding 2012 and global warming

I believe that what we are seeing as per the global warming issue is a natural occurence, meaning that if we were to shut off all pollutants that go into the atmosphere every day we would still witness the natural occurences and changes that are happening today..true what we put into the atmosphere doesn't help and we should make a global effort to eliminate as much as possible. Nature regenerates itself on a continual basis such as a fire destroys most everthing in its path and within a short time later plants begin to sprout again. Could we have another ice age? Anything is possible. I try to look on the bright side and enjoy every day that I wake up, put my feet on the floor and watch a beautiful sunrise...
A. DeGutis

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New theory about 2012

In the books 2012 Airborne Prophesy and Worse Than Global Warming: Wave Technology I pose the question that if the 2012 prophecies have validity were they forecasting the astronomical changes that seem inevitable and were they warning us that we could tip the scales towards an apocalypse. In both books I talk about the fact that planet Earth is being tickled from the mass of frequencies we are putting into the air: cell phones, cell towers, HAARP ionospheric heaters, satellite transmissions, power lines, sonar, radar, etc. This saturation is definitely having an effect on the planet's pulse. Add to that the fact that our planet will be in the dark rift (lots of asteroids) and in a section of the Milky Way that will exert extreme gravitational pulls in 2012. Already at risk, man's frequency manipulation plus the potential use of electromagnetic weapons could be the straw that causes a polar shift. Research I described in Worse Than Global Warming: Wave Technology, shows their is a high probability that Ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and the Rama had electronic WMDs and used them when Earth was in a similar perilous place in the Milky Way - and the sinking of Atlantis could have been a result of their interference. What do you think?