Friday, January 4, 2008

Migraines and Magnesium

From time to time as I come across research on various health subjects I feel noteworthy I will post them. Our research is continuing as we write new books. Visit to see any new titles.

Low magnesium has been identified as a contributor to migraine headaches. In non-moenpausal women, estrogen rises just before her period causing a shift in blood magnesium into the bone and muscles while lowering brain levels. These low brain levels promote neurotransmitter hyperactivity and nerve excitation that can lead to headaches. Magnesium deficiency also relaxes blood vessels and allows them to dilate reducing the spasms and contstrictions that can cause migraines. Low levels also inhibit excess platelet aggregation, preventing the formation of tiny clots tat can block blood vessels and caue pain. It also relaxes muscles and prevents the buildup of lactic acid which along with muscle tension, can worsen head pain. When migraine sufferers with low magnesium ion levels received IV magnesium, they experienced complet alleviation of their symptoms. Doctors recommend 6 mg /day of supplemental oral magnesium per day. Some take as much as 300 mg twice a day resulting in the frequency of migraines being reduced by 41.6 percent.


Anonymous said...

I am very happy how my body is shaping up – it looks firmer, my posture is improved, and I feel more in shape. My husband and son both commented that they really see the difference. I am less tired, sleeping better, and more hopeful and focused. My confidence and self-esteem has improved, and I worry less and enjoy life more. Thank you for everything!

Anonymous said...

I was not aware of this situation, so when a person suffers form constant migraines it can be due to the low production of magnesium in the body.

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